Dance education as transversal content of the principal processes of the Artistic Education professional
dance education, transversal content, principal processesAbstract
The arts education process is relevant in training scenarios focused on the integral development of the personality, which provokes permanent learning of transformation and socialization of its manifestations, to provide students with high qualities and moral, educational, artistic and aesthetic values. . Therefore, the practical argumentation of a dance education as a transversal content is important, from the different substantive processes in the formation of the Artistic Education Professional, which establishes formal relationships between the contents and the academic, investigative, labor and extension processes, to promote an effective execution and understanding of dance education, based on the use of methods and procedures such as participant observation, functional structural systemic and experiential pedagogical experience; that will facilitate the exposition of their points of view, criteria and reflexive critical evaluations, during the formative dynamics. The implementation of the methodology implies an aesthetic formation of dance, which allows students to achieve an artistic significance of the manifestation, from the sensoperception that causes direct contact with the dance fact, leading them to the development of a dance culture, from the positioning theory achieved, awareness of dance and pedagogical relevance to effectively exercise their professional work.
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