Technical exercises to develop the mechanics of the free throw in the youth men's basketball of Holguín


  • Geilich Sollet Mazanet Universidad de Holguín
  • Francisco Freyre Vázquez Universidad de Holguín
  • Miguel Ángel Ávila Solís Universidad de Holguín


system of exercises, free throw, basketball


This study was carried out with the population of the team of juvenile masculine Basketball of Holguín, to which were taken the time of execution of the free shot in each one of the sessions of training during the stage of general preparation and during the games made in the provincial competition. The objective was the one of expressing the complementary exercises to improve the technical execution of the free shot. Diverse theoretical and empiric methods were applied as: the historical-logical, analytic-synthetic, the observation, the interview, among other, contributing to the present study a scientific character endorsing the results and the conclusions to those that you arrived. The effectiveness of the elaborated proposal is proven for the results obtained once applied the exercises and for the approach of the specialists who you/they evaluate it in the categories of very of agreement and of agreement.

Author Biographies

Francisco Freyre Vázquez, Universidad de Holguín

Licenciado en Cultura Física, Doctor en ciencias de la Cultura física, Profesor Titular.

Miguel Ángel Ávila Solís, Universidad de Holguín

Licenciado en Cultura Física, Doctor en ciencias de la Cultura física, Profesor Titular.


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How to Cite

Sollet Mazanet, G., Freyre Vázquez, . F. ., & Ávila Solís, M. Ángel . (2022). Technical exercises to develop the mechanics of the free throw in the youth men’s basketball of Holguín. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 13(4), 141–153. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

