Understanding; mathematical problems; statistical content; teachers in formation.Abstract
In observations carried out the teachers in formation during the teaching process - learning of the Mathematics’ Didactic subject, inadequacies have been verified in the observation, gathering and classification of the information that offer the mathematical problems represented in charts and graphics of different types, in the determination of the practical meanings of the calculation operations and in the formulation of problems; originated by lacks in the efficient understanding for their solution. A longitudinal non experimental investigation of evolutionary analysis of group was developed (cohorts) in teachers in formation of the career Degree in Primary Education that you/they imparted classes of Mathematics in third, room, fifth and sixth grades of the primary schools, during the courses academic 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. The present work has as objective to offer to the teachers in formation, steps for the understanding of the mathematical problems represented in charts and graphics for the learning of the statistical contents of the primary educational level, and preparing this way them for its professional acting.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Guillermina Minelia Martínez Ford, Vania del Carmen Guirado Rivero, Marilyn Beatriz Fabá Crespo

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