
  • Yusleydys Iraldina Alvarez Ferrales
  • Ernesto Rafael Triguero Tamayo


animation, understanding, culture, habit, reader.


Constitutes a premise indispensable strengthen and enrich the culture of a town. In this sense, the present article addresses the importance so as the need of raise the taste for the reading for of this form develop the habit reader for the meaning that has for the training of the new generations. Addition is ago emphasis in the animation and understanding as pillars fundamental. In the world of today characterized for the culture invasion to that us subjects the globalization neoliberal we have the imperative of rid the battle for the “mass of the culture” and the reading. For since of this is promotes the defence of the identity, so as the creation artistic and literary and the ability for appreciate the art. The reading promote a development pleasant, developing the understanding and drafting to through of this for the reading is a pleasure, with she is discovers the knowledge. The needs of read, among we, require asumirse consciously, and is must facilitate, induce and stimulate for various vias, in consideration to its deep transcendence and to the footprint that leaves in the intelligence and in the growth spiritual of the individuals, in its rating professional and in its conscience. Read is a exercise that expresses and holds the culture of a nation, its force spiritual and its values, its ability of resistance and development. Read although seem an experience intimate and lonely, is take part.

Author Biographies

Yusleydys Iraldina Alvarez Ferrales

Profesora de Computación. C/e Andrés Leyva Rodríguez, Las Tunas.

Ernesto Rafael Triguero Tamayo

Doctor en Ciencias del Arte y Profesor titular de la Universidad de Las Tunas.


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How to Cite

Alvarez Ferrales , Y. I. ., & Triguero Tamayo, E. R. (2019). READING AS THE BEST WAY TO ENRICH THE CULTURAL OF A PEOPLE. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 10(3), 158–172. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

