Problem solving; Methodology; System of equations; Equalization method; Algebraic language.Abstract
The development of skills and the ability of the human being to solve problems constitute one of the most analyzed fields in educational research, with this work is intended to facilitate this process, this article presents an analysis of the didactic methodology of the problem solving of Mathematics to improve the understanding of the system of equations, in the students of the Technical University of Manabí, in the Institute of Basic Sciences, having as objective to evaluate the effectiveness of the problem solving method, this research was developed from the quantitative approach with quasi design -experimental, with two groups determined as control and experimental, having as unit of analysis 172 students distributed in 4 parallels, training workshops were conducted where they were experienced with problem statements which had to be passed to algebraic language and be able to raise the different equations that are determined aba, an entry test was used, which was applied at the beginning of the interventions and an exit test applied at the end of the interventions. The results obtained were analyzed by means of the Wilcoxon nonparametric test. With the implementation of this didactic teaching-learning methodology it was evidenced that the students of the experimental group after the intervention improved significantly in solving problems and posing linear equations to solve it by the equalization method, corroborating the effectiveness of the didactic method of solving problems.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Francisco Omar Cedeño Loor, Emanuel Guillermo Muñoz Muñoz, Alba Dolores Alay Giler, Hernán Humberto Caballero Vera, Blanca Leonor Cedeño Briones
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