data mining; academic agents; inclusion; knowledge discovery; information repositories.Abstract
The concern of educational administrators to improve academic efficiency and accomplish the social mission of promoting human talent, overcoming the limitations of the student and of the educational environment, requires the implementation of processes based on the use of technology and information. This particular study is a review on data mining techniques applicable to the analysis of the problems concerning the stakeholders. Discussion and analysis is about the role of data mining in education. Its usefulness is described to analyze the different aspects of educational activities and how its implementation could help each sector involved to improve the quality of the performance of educational institutions in an inclusive way. The limitations of educational data mining are discussed. A literature review of previous studies is done, for which we examined various magazines, publications, articles and others.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Harold Elbert Escobar Terán, Maritza Alcívar Saltos, Carlos Marquez de la Plata, Charles Edisson Escobar Terán
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