Didactics considerations; using multimedia; Anatomy; Human Physiology.Abstract
From interviews and questionnaires made in 2010 to students and teachers of the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences (HIES) from Huambo, of the Biology career, concluded that the use of the TIC was practically null.It proceeded to make a multimedia of Anatomy and Human Phisiology taking into account a supported methodology from the didactical and psycopedagogical points of view. It was made using mainly Microsoft Power Point and intend to be useful for students and teachers, it stimulates the use of the TIC and shows that is possible to increase the use of the computers as a teaching learning process media without a high computing knowledge. Because of these reasons it was put at the students and teachers use and was evaluated satisfactorily by them. In the development of this work, it makes a search of the theoretical groundworks needed to conceive a didactical multimedia and for its hind elaboration with the objective to contribute with the teaching learning process of Anatomy and Human Physiology in the Biology career of the HIES-Huambo. The media is a multimedia material with a Human Anatomical System contents, that besides includes about structural aspects, functional aspects, with illustrations, animations, summary switchboards with the use of some models and simulations that allows the interaction between student and computer during self-study.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Cristiano Lucas Jamba Jamba, María de los Ángeles Mariño Sánchez, Ronal Tamayo Cuenca
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