
  • Gilberto Guillen Menéndez Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Ecuador


competence; formation; pediatric attention.


The world health entities have devised new policies regarding child pediatric care, closely related to the advances of XXI Century science and technology. It is assumed that the evolution of medical sciences and their advances have allowed widening the coverage of this attention in the healthy and sick child, with a holistic-integral vision. This permits to go further from the assistant and healing attention of the subject, considering him as a bio psychosocial entity that is part of the family and the society. That’s why; the spheres of promotion, attention and rehabilitation are taken into account in the mission of the pediatrician. The purpose of the present paper is to value the necessity of moving from a traditional, individual and inhuman child attention to an integral-humanistic assistance that permits to reach the solution to necessities and problems that the family and community demand, through the development of competences, treatment diagnosis, evolution or follow-up and the corresponding assessment of growth and development of the child to promote the family and community good living.

Author Biography

Gilberto Guillen Menéndez, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Ecuador

Docente Carrera Medicina Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Ecuador. Médico Pediatra Hospital IESS Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Guillen Menéndez, . G. . (2015). COMPREHENSIVE PEDIATRIC CARE, AS COMPETITION PROMOTING GOOD LIVING OF CHILDREN, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 6(6), 141–154. Retrieved from

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