
  • Juan José Fonseca Pérez Centro de Estudios de Didáctica. Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Michel Enrique Gamboa Grau Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas “Pepito Tey”. Las Tunas


teaching, geometry, computer


With the third revolution in the educational system in Cuba, schools are provided with new technologies, among them: computers, constituting a challenge for its usage in the teaching-learning process. Being aware that the learning of Geometry presents difficulties proved in different moments and by different people, this work offers methodological words of advice for teachers and it shows some activities designed where it is used a computer´ program of application as it is Geometry, which eases to reveal its potentialities and transform the teaching-learning process of Geometry and takes into account the levels of development of the geometric thought, the formation of stages in the mental actions and the didactic for a developing process. In its implementation, in the referential provincial center, are shown significant changes in the learners.


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How to Cite

Fonseca Pérez, . J. J. ., & Gamboa Grau, M. E. . (2010). THE TEACHING OF GEOMETRY SUPPORTED BY COMPUTERS: A NEW REALITY IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 1(3), 47–62. Retrieved from