Critical thinking in psychological research: legacy and challenges in Latin America


  • Alberto Velázquez López Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos en la Universidad de Las Tunas


critical thinking, psychological research, creativity


The progress of human knowledge throughout history has been based on dialectics in which subjects and objects have been interrelated from points of view, approaches that reflect reality in their own way, all of which is conditioned by the development of science and technology. Within these processes, psychological research has tried to give the most accurate answers, because of everything that exists, human beings are what require the most certainty. This has had a dialectic in which subjectivity has reflected those specific modes of interpretation and reflection depending on the humanist sense that is possessed. We make a brief approach to the role of critical thinking in the development of philosophical understanding about its place and role within psychological research and some debts with Latin American history and the functions of Psychology in the current era. This science is recognized as one of the sciences that has contributed the most to the knowledge of critical thinking, but at the same time it has a lot to do in the face of the new challenges of social development and the comprehensive training of the 21st century psychologist.

Author Biography

Alberto Velázquez López, Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos en la Universidad de Las Tunas

Licenciado en Filosofía. Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Docente investigador 



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How to Cite

Velázquez López, A. . (2023). Critical thinking in psychological research: legacy and challenges in Latin America. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 14(5), 200–218. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

