Guide for micro-structural characterization resulting from stainless steel submitted to a welding process
Guide, process of welding, Duplex Stainless Steel, GTAW, analysis microstructuralAbstract
The objective of this work is to propose a guide for the microstructural characterization resulting of a Duplex Stainless Steel (DSS) after of submitting to the process of welding to the Arch with Protector Gas and Tungsten’s Electrodes (GTAW) in the Technological process of Foundry and Welding discipline, dictated to students of Mechanical Engineering of the Superior Polytechnic Huambo's Institute (ISPHbo) according to its academic needs that permit systematizing knowledge. The macro and microscopic analyses can be applied to other disciplines of the curriculum. It is being able to characterize the resulting microstructure of the duplex stainless steel SAF 2205, obtaining free of fissures microstructures and with good mechanical properties, (hardness, resistance to the wear). The equations developed permit to establish the methodological procedure of the process GTAW regimes.
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