University library; librarian ethics; library identity; information; knowledge.Abstract
The library context of the current university libraries in Cuba is subject to the influence of information and communication technologies, which is why constant adjustments are required to meet the most contemporary demands. In this context, the ethics in library services, conceived as professional competence and technology for the effectiveness of the professionals' actions in this function, must advance along with technological changes. How to raise the efficiency of library work based on the ethics and librarian identity in the new circumstances, is the objective of this article, for which an inquiry is carried out based on the method of observation, interviews with users and specialists in the subject, as well as the experience of the authors. Theoretical budgets of library ethics and references related to the management of information and knowledge are used, as a basis for the development of methodological means and actions that facilitate work in university libraries.
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Copyright (c) 2020 José Guillermo Montero Quesada, Miladys Labrada Milán, Yennis Marques Polanco
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