
  • Marlo Antonio López Perero
  • Miguel Ángel Basto Rizo
  • Miguel Rudens Forgas Brioso


Competition, entrepreneurship, management, administration, sustainable business


The different innovations and reforms that are currently being carried out in education at the level of Ecuador and the world are focused on sustainable development goals or the 2030 agenda, the country according to the Ecuador 2030 project points to 7 of them, which it is necessary to review the teaching-learning process, which is developed in the institutions that train technologists in business administration, since students must develop disruptive thinking, create exponential organizations, which must be aligned to the fourth industrial revolution, to achieve a quality education policy, in teaching and in the different evaluation processes.

This approach should be studied and put into practice with critical and proactive reflection, rigor and creativity, considering that the training by professional competences plays an essential role, taking into account that the innovative aspects given that this training complies with the following: (1) learning recognition; (2) the integration between theory and practice; (3) the emphasis on real performance in the face of everyday life problems; (4) the articulation of knowing how to know knowing, knowing how to do and knowing how to live together; and (5) the establishment of management, entrepreneurship and administration processes.

These requirements ensure the achievement of the expected learning from the self-training of the senior technologist student in business administration, all of which obliges to achieve consistency with the permanent training of teachers in the field of education.

Author Biographies

Marlo Antonio López Perero

Ingeniero Especialista en Administración de Empresas. Docente del Instituto Técnico Bolivariano.  Guayaquil, Ecuador

Miguel Ángel Basto Rizo

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesor Titular del Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos Universidad de Oriente. Cuba

Miguel Rudens Forgas Brioso

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica. Universidad de Oriente. Cuba


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How to Cite

López Perero, M. A. ., Basto Rizo, M. Ángel ., & Forgas Brioso, M. R. . (2020). SKILLS TRAINING IN SENIOR TECHNOLOGISTS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 11(5), 200–219. Retrieved from

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Edición Monográfica Especial