Bibliographic citations; student breaches; academic plagiarism; investigations.Abstract
In order to prevent plagiarism in academic research, it is analyzed in this paper the possible factors affecting the student misuses the information in their academic tasks. To do this, it has been considered a statistical analysis in order to determine the likelihood of fraud. To address the issues raised an investigation was designed, whose target population consists of students from the University of Guayaquil, through a survey. The sample consisted of a total of 200 students. From the results of the investigation it was noted in relation to dishonest practices linked to the development of academic papers, it is found that the use of internet and lack of reading scientific texts and analysis, has become the main source of when students plagiarize their academic work.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Lorenzo Cevallos Torres, Alfonso Guijarro Rodríguez, Leili López Domínguez Rivas

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