
  • Yamirlis Gallar Pérez Instituto de Idiomas. Universidad Internacional SEK (UISEK). Quito. Ecuador. Campus “Miguel Cervantes”. Carcelén.
  • Paula Alonso Jiménez Instituto de Idiomas. Universidad Internacional SEK (UISEK). Quito. Ecuador. Campus “Miguel Cervantes”. Carcelén.
  • Kenia García Armas Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas Pepito Tey de Las Tunas.


Understanding; journalistic text; textual diversity; procedures; strategies.


The present article deals with the theoretical and methodological grounds that allow the university teacher to offer a suitable treatment to the journalistic text. This perspective contributes to the appropriation of a set of actual knowledge, which is distinctive of the different texts that are analyzed, when we assume that the typology integrates the characteristics of the type of text, the purpose, the key generic words and the expressiveness. It also contributes to overcome the difficulties referred to in the analysis of the reading, and with that we can achieve a reflexive-affective implication depending on the nature of the text, without reaching a critical or self-critical position when we face certain forms of expression. The experience has had the purpose of developing reading basic competencies and it thus contributes to the training as competent communicators. This assures the cultural training of the personality. The cognitive growth will be systematized and deepened, from the practice of procedures of reading that facilitates the search and the comprehension of the information corresponding to this functional style, in accordance with the communicative requirements of contemporary society.

Author Biographies

Yamirlis Gallar Pérez, Instituto de Idiomas. Universidad Internacional SEK (UISEK). Quito. Ecuador. Campus “Miguel Cervantes”. Carcelén.

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesora de Formación Continua de la UISEK. Quito. Ecuador.

Paula Alonso Jiménez, Instituto de Idiomas. Universidad Internacional SEK (UISEK). Quito. Ecuador. Campus “Miguel Cervantes”. Carcelén.

Máster en Ciencias. Coordinadora del Instituto de Idiomas de la UISEK

Kenia García Armas, Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas Pepito Tey de Las Tunas.

Máster en Ciencias. Profesora de la Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas Pepito Tey de Las Tunas. Cuba.


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How to Cite

Gallar Pérez, . Y. ., Alonso Jiménez, P., & García Armas, K. (2015). THE NEWS TEXT: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS IN THE TRAINING OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 6(3), 107–120. Retrieved from

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