Strengthening English language skills for professional purposes in the Pedagogy-Psychology course
skills, English, teaching task, certificationAbstract
For the university student the mastery of the English language constitutes a requirement for graduation, becoming a necessity for each career the deployment of alternatives that contribute to their treatment. From the speciality Bachelor of Education Pedagogy-Psychology, it is proposed in this research to reflect around the instrumentation of the system of teaching tasks for the development of skills in the English language for professional purposes from the subject Philosophy of Education, in the students of the first year of such a career that prepare them for their certification. In its concrete use the potentialities of the content of the subject, the diversity of resources and materials existing in the language, as well as the motivation of the students. During development, the general dialectic-materialist methodological approach was applied and theoretical, empirical and statistic-mathematical techniques were used. The determination of the referents, the historical study and the diagnosis of the initial state of the category to be transformed, made it possible to substantiate and design the proposal, whose validity was verified from the criterion of users and is proposed as a viable option for its generalization in the subjects of the race; according to the peculiarities of the content.
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