Using mind maps in teaching-learning process of the subject language and communication, students PNFE


  • Lesbia Segunda González Rada
  • Emilys Carolina Abréu Valdéz Misión Sucre.


mind maps, learn, learning developer


Venezuelan education is one of the strategic points that the Bolivarian government who decided to build from the beginning of the new professional management linked to the Bolivarian Educational System. The UBV and Mission Sucre by the National Teacher Training (PNFE) should give participants the theoretical and practical foundations necessary for their personal and professional development along the three routes through training and learning projects , where the educator training will build their own learning, based on the local educational reality (school-community) which contrast with their knowledge, this will allow you to systematize and transcend his pre-professional educational practice, every day making it work more profitable and human at all educational levels and modalities PNFE. Given the learning objectives, and principles of the Venezuelan government all combine to give an answer to a need to learn quickly and easily, and can be achieved through mental maps as they allow us to relax and let thoughts rise spontaneously, using any material that allows you to remember without having to restrict them to the techniques of linear structures, monotonous and boring. Clearly, if it is true that the use of mind maps is not required by the student's area PNFE language and communication would be very interesting to use so we propose the use of these for the stimulation of a learning developer .


Buzan, Tony, El Libro de los Mapas mentales, Ediciones Urano, Barcelona (España), 1996. De Montes De Beauport, Elaine yDiaz, Aura; Las tres Caras del la Mente, EditorialGalac (Venezuela) 1994 Pérez Albejales, L. (2007) (comp.) Documento normativo y metodológicos de Misión Sucre. Asesoría Cubana Misión Sucre. Delta Amacuro. Venezuela. Vigosky, L.S. (1996). Obras Completas. La Habana. Editorial Pueblo y Educación. Zoraida, Mas Allá de la Educación, Editorial Galac, Caracas (Venezuela), 1997.



How to Cite

González Rada, L. S. ., & Abréu Valdéz, E. C. (2013). Using mind maps in teaching-learning process of the subject language and communication, students PNFE. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 4(5), 11–18. Retrieved from