Awareness-based reading comprehension in elementary school students


  • Marcos Alberto Sotelo Flores Centro Nacional de Control de Energía


reading comprehension, awareness, elementary education


Current research in awareness-based reading comprehension is important and relevant to improving the education of elementary education students and preparing them for success in their future. This is a valuable and relevant perspective for improving students' ability to understand and apply the information contained in texts. In addition, research on awareness can have significant implications for education and learning, as well as for the development of more effective teaching tools and techniques. The novelty of investigating this topic lies in the fact that it is an innovative and promising approach that can help students improve their reading comprehension and develop emotional and cognitive skills important for their overall development. The population is composed of students from the Francisco I Madero elementary school in the city of Taxco Guerrero. The study sample is composed of second grade students of that same institution. A sample of voluntary subjects based on accessibility is used. However, precautions are also taken to minimize bias, such as the inclusion of a variety of students of different genders, socioeconomic levels and reading abilities. In addition, statistical techniques are used to control possible confounding factors and ensure that the results are reliable and valid. It was possible to verify that research on this topic can contribute to improve the learning process in the students of the institution.

Author Biography

Marcos Alberto Sotelo Flores, Centro Nacional de Control de Energía

Licenciado en Ingeniería Electromecánica. 


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How to Cite

Sotelo Flores, M. A. . (2023). Awareness-based reading comprehension in elementary school students. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 14(3), 356–379. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

