Intuition and mathematical reasoning in Didactics of Mathematics
Didactics of Mathematics, Mathematical reasoning, Intuition, Theory of Didactic SituationsAbstract
This work brings a theoretical discussion on intuition and mathematical reasoning from the perspective of the Didactics of Mathematics, in addition to elucidating the possibilities of manifestation of different levels of intuitive reasoning, aiming at the possibilities of its identification and contribution to the educational area. The objective of this article is to present the possibility of integration between intuition and mathematical reasoning, seeking to improve the teaching perspective for its practice, considering the influence of intuition in the construction of mathematical reasoning and in its learning. The methodology used was bibliographic research of a basic and exploratory nature, based on the analysis of works that address intuition and mathematical reasoning at different levels. As a result, we propose a discussion that relates the levels of reasoning within the Theory of Didactic Situations, from the perspective of Brousseau and Gibel (2005) and the categorization of intuition presented by Efraim Fischbein (1987), looking for similarities and convergences between these studies. Finally, it is reinforced that in Mathematics it is important to develop in students the ability to distinguish between perception, intuitive feelings, intuitive beliefs and formally held convictions, developing adequate interpretations in the field of intuition, along with the evolution of formal reasoning structures.Downloads
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