The formation of an environmental awareness for the Spanish-Literature teacher: its link with Marti’s ideas


  • Tania Cèspedes Labrada Universidad de Las Tunas


One of the most important tasks of educational work at the present time is the understanding of the magnitude that natural disasters and environmental pollution have reached due to the devastating action of man, wars and global overpopulation, in a world threatened by great ecological catastrophes. With the realization of this work, it is intended to make an approach to the environmentalist facet of Martí's ideology, his concern for the future of humanity and the balance that must exist between man and nature for the preservation of life. As well as an analysis of the importance of his thought for the formation of an environmental conscience in the new generations from the linking of his work in the teaching-learning process of the Spanish-Literature teacher in a flexible, creative and dynamic way.


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How to Cite

Cèspedes Labrada, T. (2022). The formation of an environmental awareness for the Spanish-Literature teacher: its link with Marti’s ideas. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 13(3), 52–66. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

