
  • Maikel J. Núñez Segura Universidad Las Tunas
  • Yeilis Ramírez Urquiza Universidad de Las Tunas


Historical demography; population; emigration; immigration


The present study is an approach to the importance of History demography as a tool to analyze the historical task. In its renewed eagerness to question the real protagonists of the past, historical science has gone through some certainly different stages: from the contemplation of the individual protagonist (kings, military, saints, etc.) to the contemplation of the individual. ), passing through the almost exclusive study of privileged groups, has come to lead to the study of the human community, in the conviction that it is the main protagonist of historical events and it is evident that the present lives the need, at least at the level of formulation of principles, to return to the whole human community the protagonism that relevant individuals or privileged groups took away from it in what for a long time has been the science of history. They effectively believe in the catalytic value of demography.

Author Biographies

Maikel J. Núñez Segura, Universidad Las Tunas

Licenciado en Educación especialidad Marxismo leninismo e Historia.

Yeilis Ramírez Urquiza , Universidad de Las Tunas

Estudiante de la carrera Marxismo Leninismo e Historia.


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How to Cite

Núñez Segura, M. J. . ., & Ramírez Urquiza , Y. . (2019). INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF DEMOGRAPHY IN THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 10(5), 141–151. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume


Edición Monográfica Especial