
  • Yasai Torres Galindo Universidad de Sancti Spíritus.
  • Dismary Ramos Yznaga Universidad de Sancti Spíritus.


Baseball 5; Physical education; University sports; Alternative game.


The research is framed in the process of motivating the study in its relationship with university sports, through the practice of Baseball 5 as an alternative sport in Physical Education classes. The objective is to promote sports in the house of high studies, not only with a view to university games, as is currently the case at the "José Martí Pérez" University of Sancti Spíritus, but by ensuring that it is practiced throughout the school year and thus contribute a better quality of life. The main methods used were the survey, document analysis and expert criteria. The results achieved allow the use of this sport as a means of motivation in Physical Education classes, as well as the possibility of offering teachers a program for their introduction with university students, contemplating a novel variant in our country in this area, taking into account The limitations of resources and previous training of the students who arrive at our universities.

Author Biographies

Yasai Torres Galindo, Universidad de Sancti Spíritus.

Profesor Instructor. Licenciado en Cultura Física. Profesor de Béisbol

Dismary Ramos Yznaga, Universidad de Sancti Spíritus.

Profesora Instructor. Licenciada en Cultura Física. Profesora de Práctica Laboral Investigativa 1


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How to Cite

Torres Galindo, . Y. ., & Ramos Yznaga, D. (2020). BASEBALL 5 AS AN ALTERNATIVE GAME TO INCREASE MOTIVATION IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES AND UNIVERSITY SPORTS. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 11(1), 237–247. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

