
  • José Guillermo Montero Quesada


Martí, Martian education, identity, history, rituality, Las Tunas.


After the fall in combat of José Martí on the nineteenth of May, 1895, representatives of the bourgeoisie headed by current rulers, try to silence the meaning and ideological connotation of the most transcendent of their thinking. Thus, the remembrance and education through media and institutional of this fact will be excluded from the program of official celebrations during the period of the neocolonial Republic. Despite government maneuvers to erase this fact from memory, the will of the people to legitimize their presence and educate the population in the Martian precepts is gradually imposed. The peculiarities of this historical process are still incomplete in regional historiographies, which is why it is intended in this article to reflect on its manifestations in Las Tunas during the neocolonial Republic and the changes that have taken place since 1959. For this purpose, they are systematized events from specialized bibliographies, documents, regional and local periodic sources, as well as interviews that facilitated construction and contextualized assessments.

Author Biography

José Guillermo Montero Quesada

Doctor en Ciencias Históricas. Máster en Educación, Master en Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario. Profesor Titular del Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos de la Universidad de Las Tunas. Cuba.


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How to Cite

Montero Quesada, . J. G. . (2019). MEMORIES AND IDENTITY REGARDING COMMEMORATION IN THE TUNES OF THE FALL IN COMBATE OF JOSÉ MARTÍ. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 10(4), 183–192. Retrieved from

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