
  • María Elena Cuellar Cartaya Universidad de Cienfuegos
  • Miriam Lourdes Tenreyro Mauriz Universidad de Cienfuegos
  • Gisela Castellón León Universidad de Cienfuegos


Early childhood education; Caunao Popular Council.


The local historical studies about education constitute in Cuba a source of useful knowledge to the development of the educational and pedagogical investigation, it is so since 1992 studies of this type are realized in the municipality of Cienfuegos. This historical research was conducted in the Caunao People's Council concerning early childhood education since it was found that there is insufficiency in the literature to consult that limits the quality of the educational process to the students in training to carry out their local studies and reaffirm your professional motivation Theoretical and empirical methods were applied among which are: synthetic analytical, induction, deduction, comparison, generalization, logical historical, and interviews, which corroborated the problematic raised with the objective of collecting information related to early childhood education in said Popular Council and disseminate it for the self-preparation of educators in training and all staff interested in the subject.

Author Biographies

María Elena Cuellar Cartaya, Universidad de Cienfuegos

Magíster. Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba.

Miriam Lourdes Tenreyro Mauriz, Universidad de Cienfuegos

Magíster. Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba.

Gisela Castellón León, Universidad de Cienfuegos

Magíster. Universidad de Cienfuegos. Cuba.


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How to Cite

Cuellar Cartaya, M. E. ., Tenreyro Mauriz, M. L., & Castellón León, G. (2019). A HISTORICAL LOOK OF THE EDUCATION OF FIRST CHILDREN IN THE POPULAR COUNCIL CAUNAO. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 10(2), 239–254. Retrieved from https://revistas.ult.edu.cu/index.php/didascalia/article/view/887

Conference Proceedings Volume

