quality; auto-evaluation; external evaluation; accreditation; evaluation of programs of postgrad’s specialties.Abstract
The challenge that it implies for the economic development, social, technological and cultural of a country the professional specialized performance, in contexts that they sue of the solution of specific problems in relation with this and with the needs of production and services, it becomes evident in the need of the specialization of the professionals. In front of this challenge, the Institutions of Higher Education Cubans And entities authorized for the academic postgrad, they choose to unroll postgrad’s programs of specialties, the pertinence and social impact are evaluated by means of a process that includes the auto-evaluation, the external evaluation and the accreditation, which leads to the public recognition of the quality of the program and its certification. The objective of this article is to expose the results of a diagnostic study derived of the process of evaluation and accreditation of quality of programs of postgrad’s specialties, developed of 2016 to May 2018 at the country. In the fulfillment of this objective 22 programs were evaluated and credited of 10 institutions of higher education, of three of the ministries, located at the country's seven provinces of the different regions of Cuba. The sources and the methods of scientific investigation used allowed verifying in situ the manifestations of the attitude about the external evaluation that they were object and strengths and weaknesses of the evaluated programs, according to the standard of quality of the Subsystem of evaluation and accreditation of postgrad’s specialties and inferring elements for his continuous perfecting.
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