Physical maltreatment; psychological maltreatment; family; children; girls; behavior.Abstract
Physical and Psychological Maltreatment within the dysfunctional intrafamilial environment influences the behavior of the school-age children of the Educational Unit, Federico González Suárez of the Rocafuerte Slip site, since we understand that violence is general, but a main consequence for derive all these situations of violence at all levels is given from family circle, where people develop and where they begin to acquire new knowledge and that is forging the character, way of being and acting. It is an important link that occurs from the union of parents and the conception and upbringing of children, which forms the family circle, giving this new being with identical profiles and family traits that will lead from generation to generation. For this reason, this article will be based on an important topic such as the family that is part of it, but when in these ties of love and fraternity, some moment is broken, acts of violence are committed, a family breakdown is generated, and in many cases it ends with the disunion of the whole family, so it is very interesting to analyze these situations that affect schoolchildren in search of the best solutions. The training actions allowed the parents to guide their actions in fields of interest for both families and society; among them the promotion of domestic coresponsibility and the education of children, the development of healthy sports habits, the promotion of reading and study habits, the prevention of school failure, the proper use of free time, among others.
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