
  • Monserrate Dalila del Rocío Alcívar Cede Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
  • Kenia Maribel Zambrano Alcívar Unidad Educativa 5 de Junio
  • Norma Lastenia Pazmiño Unidad educativa “Dr. Carlos Romo Dávila”


Sustainable environmental culture; theoretical model; environment.


The article has so much as a purpose the location of the study in its theoretical, contextual and practical order referred to the formation of a sustainable environmental culture in the Republic of Ecuador. For such a reason, in the first place it is carried out a characterization of the environmental situation of Ecuador as a premise for the achievement of this purpose from the school formative process, that which allow, after that, to point out the attention in the canton Flavio Alfaro. Different tendencies are valued on the problem and finally a theoretical model, as an abstraction of the essential characteristics that should carry a strategy for such ends, is explained. To get this scientific result there were used methods and techniques essentially of theoretical character as modeling, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and concretion-abstraction characteristic of this type of study.

Author Biographies

Monserrate Dalila del Rocío Alcívar Cede, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí

Magister. Profesora de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí Extensión Chone.

Kenia Maribel Zambrano Alcívar, Unidad Educativa 5 de Junio

Ingeniera. Profesora Unidad Educativa 5 de Junio. Ecuador.

Norma Lastenia Pazmiño, Unidad educativa “Dr. Carlos Romo Dávila”

Magister. Profesora de la Unidad educativa “Dr. Carlos Romo Dávila”. Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Alcívar Cede, M. D. del R. ., Zambrano Alcívar, K. M., & Lastenia Pazmiño, N. (2018). THEORETICAL MODEL TO EDUCATE IN A SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL CULTURE IN THE ECUADORIAN BASIC EDUCATION . Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 9(4), 151–164. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

