Playful activities, teaching, games, multiple intelligences, learning, educational practice.Abstract
In the present article an analysis is made through the use of ludic activities focused on game exercises, for this an audit is carried out on the theoretical delimitation, to then describe the circumstance through the application of a test that estimates the diversity of several knowledge in infants of preschool, with the ultimate goal of assessing whether there is congruence in the progress of the child, as a standout among the most debatable perspectives in the field of education, so that the educational praxis of teachers is an intelligent dynamic that incorporates the actions that arose in the cooperation between teachers and children, so it is not limited to the idea of educating, in other words, to the instructive procedures that occur within the classroom, it incorporates the academic mediation that occurred when multiple intelligences exert a connection . So these three variables are associated, that is, each of them is influenced by the others, so it is essential to address them in an incorporated manner. In this sense, this article breaks down the importance of the use of recreational exercises for the improvement of different ideas and the impact of preprofessional educational praxis, since it provides activities, where the educator promotes teaching and learning to advance the process deformation.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Hipatia Alexandra Meza Intriago, Neysha Nikaela Linzán Meza, José Humberto Cárdenas Sacoto, Ericka Paola Linzán Meza
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