Environment; initial education; creative workshop.Abstract
This research was carried out taking into account the need to develop in children the care of the environment in each of the activities that take place in the classrooms, since teachers do not systematically work with this content, which is essential for the development integral of our children in their early ages. It aims to develop creative workshops, to promote respect and the importance of caring for the environment in children from initial 2. The importance of caring for the environment is a debate that seeks to eradicate environmental pollution, in such a way that the conservation of nature is an active part of the first experiences of infants, since the environment is the place of habitat and development integral of the same, through the workshops was helped to reduce a percentage of organic and inorganic waste generated without control, it should be noted that in educational establishments is promoting issues that benefit children from initial education to be participatory entities in society, to live in harmony and peace with the environment. Through the workshops the infant achieved the fundamental objective that is to protect and care for the environment that surrounds him and he managed to enjoy a healthy and sustainable environment, through education is achieved to promote the care of the environment.
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