
  • Yirina Toranzo Utra Universidad de Las Tunas. Cuba.
  • José Guillermo Montero Quesada Universidad de Las Tunas. Cuba.


Las Tunas, Catholic Church, struggle for independence.


The history of the Catholic Church in Cuba has its origins in the beginning of the process of Spanish colonization, which establishes and adapts the structures and dynamics of functioning in each economic and social context. During the period of the independence struggles of the nineteenth century there are remarkable transformations with their respective regional and local peculiarities. The Cuban historiography has not always deepened in international, interregional and intercommoned relations, the effects derived from the plurality of power relations related to the entities of the administration of government; economic and social conditions, ecclesiastical conflicts and efforts are scarcely valued, and the positive work of this Church from the cultural point of view and the conformation of local identity is omitted. These are some of the reasons that motivate the analysis and valuation of the historical particularities of the Greater Parish Church of San Jerónimo de Las Tunas and its influence in the Tunisian society in the period 1868-1898, for which some of the contradictions generated in the heart of this institution motivated by the ideological positions around the process of independence struggle and the atmosphere and behavior of the parishioners is argued before the situation of penury caused by the War.

Author Biographies

Yirina Toranzo Utra , Universidad de Las Tunas. Cuba.

Máster en Historia y Cultura en Cuba. Licenciada en Historia. Departamento de Historia.

José Guillermo Montero Quesada, Universidad de Las Tunas. Cuba.

Doctor en Ciencias Históricas. Máster en Educación, Máster en Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario. Profesor Titular del Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos de la Universidad de Las Tunas. Cuba.


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How to Cite

Toranzo Utra , . Y. ., & Montero Quesada, J. G. . (2017). THE PARISH CHURCH SAN JERÓNIMO DE LAS TUNAS DURING THE PERIOD OF INDEPENDENCE STRUGGLES OF THE 19TH CENTURY. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 8(5), 279–288. Retrieved from

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Edición Especial