decentralization; local development; synergies; municipality.Abstract
Updated management leading to enhance and strengthen local development in Cuba goes through a proper identification and use of endogenous resources, from the local level must be achieved with intelligence, leadership and independence of action, the latter involving a change in the conception of the local public administration, which must have the privileges necessary to operate under this principle. The role of University in the process of local development is, among others, form the necessary human talent so that men with high capacity of entrepreneurship energize and materialize the aspiration, to diagnose inadequacies and competencies for training to direct actors and indirect which guarantee the proper understanding of the need, the opportunity and the real possibilities for the development of the country represents a self-sufficient economy based on a new role assumed by the local society. Popular participation is the basis of the process, here the importance of the management of the municipal governments, which are integrated and coherent actions on an objective platform, interrelated real possibilities, resources and demands creative, dynamic and flexible way. A decentralized management would properly ensure greater effectiveness in achieving systemic function that plays the municipal organization in Cuban society. It is enable the splitting of the capacities and resources which would enhance and multiply the production, at the same time that ensure greater responsibility and possibility of seeking solutions from the particular to the urgent problems that presents all local society.
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