Adult Education; Literacy; Language LearningAbstract
The aim of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, we defend the need to teach immigrant adults to read and write in Spanish as a foreign language, taking as a basis the discourse, which necessarily begins with spoken language. On the other hand, we offer a syllabus useful for an immigration context to teach Spanish. The propose contents go from the word to the text, always starting with the language spoken by students and trying for them to get the regular courses in level A2. To do this, we reflect on the importance of the process of literacy in a second language, focusing first on the interrelation between oral language, grafocentrism and literacy and, then, justifying the necessary step in the development from phonological competence to discursive one, once the student has achieved some oral skills. One of the main conclusions is that the reading-writing learning depends on a high degree of desires, expectations and motivations the illiterate adult have, given the grafocentrist awareness that this has of education.
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