
  • Mauricio López Acosta Universidad Internacional SEK
  • Nancy Carchipulla Ramón Universidad Internacional SEK


Heritage; education; cultural industry; student; architecture.


This paper makes a critical reflection about two edges that makes the subject of heritage: one of them is the way how the concept of heritage has been implemented in the cultural imaginary architecture student, around which heritage is limited architecture. The other edge refers to images that appear influenced by different mechanisms such as the "mass media", the educational process and especially the influence of the culture industry that operates globally with local strategies, personified in the marketing and generated publicity for tourism. To strengthen research, a survey was made for a focus group of students had to know what the meaning of heritage was. From this action two critical readings emerged: Take a great advantage on the future professionals of architecture in the concept of heritage; and motivate them to adopt a questioning and reflection mind before commercial production of cultural industry position.

Author Biographies

Mauricio López Acosta, Universidad Internacional SEK

Docente de la UISEK

Nancy Carchipulla Ramón, Universidad Internacional SEK

Docente de la UISEK


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How to Cite

López Acosta, M. ., & Carchipulla Ramón, N. (2015). HERITAGE: IMPACT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURAL INDUSTRY IN THE CONCEPT OF ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 6(6), 213–222. Retrieved from https://revistas.ult.edu.cu/index.php/didascalia/article/view/447

Conference Proceedings Volume


Edición Especial