
  • Radisbel Galán Rizo Universidad de Holguín OScar Lucero Moya, Holguín


Country music; popular culture; identity.


The country music in Cuba is the fundamental for the study of the country's culture base. It converges with few elements of Aboriginal people from different ethnic cultures that shaped the broad cultural mosaic of the island country music being unequivocal synthesis of this process. Through critical analysis, were taken into consideration ideas raised by several authors, allowing enrich the terms and understanding of the subject. The study of reality allowed analyze the presence of country music in the national context through its ethnic components, motivations, characteristics, original features, historical and social evolution as an indissoluble part in shaping the nation and its protection as a reaffirmation of identity. Thus, this text responds to insufficient information on efforts to safeguard and rescue of peasant musical tradition in Cuba.

Author Biography

Radisbel Galán Rizo, Universidad de Holguín OScar Lucero Moya, Holguín

Licenciado en Estudios Socioculturales (Holguín, 2007). Master en Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario (Las Tunas, 2012). Profesor Asistente del Departamento de Estudios Socioculturales de la Universidad de Holguín. Cuba.


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How to Cite

Galán Rizo, . R. . (2015). THE CONTRY MUSIC AND POPULAR CULTURE IN CUBA. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 6(5), 1–10. Retrieved from