
  • Maite Silveira Fonseca Emisora Radio Chaparra. Municipio Jesús Menéndez. Las Tunas. Cuba.
  • Maritza Ingran Calderón Policlínico Mario Pozo. Municipio Jesús Menéndez. Las Tunas. Cuba.
  • Mayelín Silveira Fonseca Dirección Municipal de Educación. Municipio Jesús Menéndez. Las Tunas. Cuba.


Media; media speech; patriarchal culture; training; strategy


The present investigation has as objective to design a training strategy to diminish the sexism in the media speech of Chaparra Radio Station. It is pertinent for the paper the play of mass-media in the social construction of the imaginary. In spite of being the women those that more listens the programming, they are off in the media speech. The investigator considered that besides the influence of the patriarchal culture in the media speech, another of the causes of the sexism in the talkative products is the training lack. Of there the necessity to orchestrate in Chaparra Radio Station the action 23 of those that correspond to the means of massive diffusion in the Plan of National Action of Pursuit to the Conference of Beijing referred to the training. With the application of this strategy it was possible to qualify to 15 students credited as a graduate degree of the International Institute of Journalism José Martí.


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How to Cite

Silveira Fonseca, . M. ., Ingran Calderón, M., & Silveira Fonseca, M. (2013). STRATEGY OF TRAINING TO ACHIEVE A NON SEXIST MEDIA SPEECH IN CHAPARRA RADIO STATION. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 4(6), 57–68. Retrieved from