Applications of artificial intelligence in Criminalistics
Criminalistics, artificial intelligence, crime investigationAbstract
In recent years there have been technological advances, among the most innovative being artificial intelligence, which has several areas of application, including Criminalistics, which is responsible for clarifying crimes and determining possible crimes. Guilty To carry out their work, criminalists use various methods and techniques that have a scientific basis and proceed to analyze the evidence using multiple tools, which includes artificial intelligence. The application of these systems in criminal investigation is varied as they can be effective and represent a saving of time and resources, in addition to minimizing human errors. Many artificial intelligence tools are already applied in the study of crimes and their use is expected to increase, which is why it is essential to delve deeper into the possible applications of artificial intelligence for criminal investigation because, despite the fact that there are concerns about the use of artificial intelligence, it is evident that its use will increase exponentially in the coming years. This article focuses its attention on the present applications and future potential of artificial intelligence in Criminalistics, having used document analysis methods, analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, among others, for the investigation. This allowed us to reach conclusions that show the potential of the use of artificial intelligence in the field of Criminalistics and, therefore, in the implementation of justice.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Bryan Mauricio Granda Romero, Jean Max Quezada Quezada, Armando Rogelio Durán Ocampo

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