Genially tool to strengthen the educational process of Accounting Packages.


  • Mercedes Cecilia Mata Villacis Universidad Bolivariana Del Ecuador
  • Patricia Del Pilar Pallazhco Siavichay Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador
  • Mireya Gioconda Delgado Chavarria Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador


Active learning, teaching methods, learning methods, learning methods


The objective of this research was to model the application of the digital tool Genially in the design of the contents of the accounting system Monica, in order to improve the educational process in the training module of Accounting and Tax Packages, considering that currently there is a gap between traditional teaching methods and digital innovation in education, causing students not to reach the expected knowledge at the end of the study cycle. The research methodology had a mixed approach, that is, both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. The research level was descriptive-explanatory because a causal relationship was established between the Genially digital tool and the educational process, in this sense, the techniques used were the survey and the interview. The selected sample consisted of 47 students in the third year of technical high school in accounting at the “Luis Rogerio Gonzales” Educational Unit and 5 teachers of the accounting area. The results obtained allowed to identify the importance of the use of digital tools such as Genially in the educational process of the contents of the Monica system, since the students showed interest and motivation at the time of applying this tool. It is concluded that the implementation of digital tools generates that the educational process becomes more attractive and didactic for the students, favoring the capture and retention of the learning contents.


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Author Biographies

Mercedes Cecilia Mata Villacis, Universidad Bolivariana Del Ecuador

Licenciada en Contabilidad y Auditoría

Patricia Del Pilar Pallazhco Siavichay , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador

Ingeniera en Contabilidad y Auditoría (CPA).

Mireya Gioconda Delgado Chavarria , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador

Master in Business Administración MBA.


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How to Cite

Mata Villacis, M. C., Pallazhco Siavichay , P. D. P. ., & Delgado Chavarria , M. G. . (2025). Genially tool to strengthen the educational process of Accounting Packages . Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 16(1), 341–368. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

