Prevention of sexually transmitted infections in high school students based on sex education


  • Cecilia Ayala Mancilla Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero


prevention, sexually transmitted infections, high school, sex education


This study tackles the critical issue of preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among first-semester students at UAGro High School No. 10 in Iguala, Mexico. The research identified significant gaps in the current STI prevention system, including inadequate access to comprehensive sexuality education, risky sexual attitudes and behaviors and limited access to health services. To address these pressing concerns, this doctoral thesis project proposes the implementation of a series of orientation workshops grounded in comprehensive sexuality education. This evidence-based approach offers numerous theoretical and practical benefits: empowering students with knowledge, developing healthy decision-making skills, as well as promoting positive attitudes and behaviors. The anticipated outcomes of the workshops include enhanced knowledge and understanding of STIs, shifting attitudes towards safer sexual practices and empowered students taking control of their sexual health. This research underscores the crucial role of comprehensive sexuality education in equipping high school students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to protect their sexual health and prevent STIs. The implementation of such programs holds immense potential to empower young people and create a generation prepared to make informed choices regarding their well-being.

Author Biography

Cecilia Ayala Mancilla, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero

Médico Cirujano.  Máster en Ciencias de la Educación.


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How to Cite

Ayala Mancilla, C. . (2024). Prevention of sexually transmitted infections in high school students based on sex education. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 15(1), 362–386. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

