Mathematics and poor performance: a cognitive issue? Study at the Autonomous University of Guerrero
Poor performance, Math, UniversityAbstract
At present in the Higher School of Economic Sciences, of the Autonomous University of Guerrero, deficiencies in mathematical knowledge have been detected. This situation causes the student to be withdrawn. A descriptive and cross-sectional study is presented with the objective of knowing the relationship between poor performance (failure), the teaching-learning process and sociodemographic factors of students. The non-probabilistic sample: students from the second to the fourth semester of both genders, between 18 and 25 years of age, with a Bachelor's Degree in Economics. A self-application questionnaire was used. As a result, it is obtained that failure in mathematics is a multifactorial phenomenon. In order to develop an adequate mathematical level, there are social relationships that concomitantly influence and involve students, teachers and educational institutions: school performance, personal and economic development, teacher tutorials, didactics of teaching mathematics (evaluation), among others. Multiple studies ensure that the teaching and learning of mathematics has been accompanied by a halo of mystery and conflicting opinions about the high cognitive difficulty to learn this subject; the opinion has been maintained that it is a specialty only for people with high IQ. This study concludes that the evaluation can generate uncertainty in students and even negative actions in the educational process. A high IQ is not conclusive to learn mathematics, many social factors influence this process.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Norma Yadira Memije Alarcón, Perla Elizabeth Ventura Ramos, Jesús Zaratoga Martínez

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