Analysis of the use of the Project-Based Learning method in the teaching-learning process in the subject Mathematical Optimization II


  • Odet Lopez Batista Universidad de Holguín
  • Yudith Azze Bauta Universidad de Holguín


Project Based Learning, teaching learning process, mathematical optimization


In the research, the main advantages of using the Project-Based Learning method in the subject Mathematical Optimization II are analyzed, its main objective is to favor the teaching and learning process of said course.The Project-Based Learning method is analyzed as a possible strategy to restructure the subject's curriculum in order to achieve greater student performance in the teaching and learning process of the subject. Empirical methods are used for data analysis and surveys to detect current problems. In addition, the obtaining of positive results from its application in the development of the elaboration and resolution of mathematical models is corroborated.

Author Biographies

Odet Lopez Batista, Universidad de Holguín

Licenciada en Matemática, Profesor Instructor

Yudith Azze Bauta, Universidad de Holguín

Licenciada en Matemática, Profesor Asistente


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How to Cite

Lopez Batista, O., & Azze Bauta, Y. . (2023). Analysis of the use of the Project-Based Learning method in the teaching-learning process in the subject Mathematical Optimization II. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 14(5), 43–58. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

