
  • Nydia Margot Caicedo Cuenca Universidad de San Buenaventura. Cali


interdisciplinary, approach, competence, construction


This work is presented to the international academic community for an interdisciplinary space, a meta-area named Scientific Expression, for the first five semesters and with the character of the traditional discipline within curriculum of engineers. Its purpose is to foster reflexing and critics in knowledge acquisition and to promote and investigative attitude while the concepts of the own engineers are reconstructed in a process oriented towards the construction and learning competences. This project has been applied for two year in the Faculty of system Engineer from the San Buenaventura University, in Cali, and it is one of the cornerstones in the transition of an integrated curriculum. This proposal was generated as a product of an investigation in the classroom and it takes as a point of departure the conviction that only going forward the traditional discipline and creating meta-areas from the problemizing universal knowledge approach, belonging to the medium and to the problem the individual faces. Then, the university can assume in a competitive way the challenge that is faced when going forward the professionalizing function to the production of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Caicedo Cuenca, N. M. (2010). THE INTERDISCIPLINE AS AN APPROACH FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF COMPETENCES AT A UNIVERSITY LEVEL. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 1(2), 13–30. Retrieved from