
  • Delphin Kabey Mwinken Instituto Superior Politécnico de Huambo
  • Felipe Lopes Silva Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicaciones de Brasil
  • Francisco de Assis Silva do Carmo Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicaciones de Brasil


Cognitive computing; natural intelligence; software engineering; autonomous agent systems.


Cognitive computer science has been presented as a transdisciplinary investigation of cognitive and information science that investigates the processing and internal information mechanism along with brain processes and natural intelligence and its engineering applications. In this work we attempt to provide an enlightening perspective on the past, present and future of cognitive computing, analysing the development of computer science from the classical information theory, contemporary computing, and cognitive computing which is a deep interdisciplinary research that addresses the problems from modern common root computing, computing, software engineering, such as the future generation computer architecture known as cognitive computers of human memory. The goal of autonomous computing is to create computing systems capable of managing to a much greater extent than the current one. This paper presents Unity, a decentralized architecture for autonomous computing based on multiple interacting agents called autonomous elements. We illustrate how the unit architecture performs various desired behaviours of the autonomous system, including goal-oriented self-healing, self-healing, and real-time self-optimization. These elements are important for your comprehension and treatment in the process of computer engineer in, as well as in the area of Electronics and Telecommunications.

Author Biographies

Delphin Kabey Mwinken, Instituto Superior Politécnico de Huambo

Máster en Ingeniería Civil. Licenciado en Ciencias Exactas. Profesor del Instituto Superior Politécnico de Huambo, Angola.

Felipe Lopes Silva, Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicaciones de Brasil

Investigador en Telecomunicaciones y Máster en Telecomunicaciones en el Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicaciones de Brasil.

Francisco de Assis Silva do Carmo, Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicaciones de Brasil

Investigador en Telecomunicaciones y Máster en Telecomunicaciones en el Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicaciones de Brasil.


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How to Cite

Kabey Mwinken, D., Silva, F. L., & do Carmo, F. de A. S. (2019). THE COGNITIVE COMPUTATION – THE WORLD OF THE CONSCIENCE. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 10(2), 99–108. Retrieved from

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