
  • Marilin Vanessa Albarrasin Reinoso Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Extensión La Maná, Ecuador
  • Mayra Elizeth Valencia Neto Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador.
  • Elsita Margoth Chávez García Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador.
  • Enry Gutember Medina López Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Extensión La Maná, Ecuador


administration; planning; Administrative thinking; school of thought.


The Administration consists of knowing the operation of the company both internal and external to make business decisions. It is science the technique and art of doing things through people from the functions of planning, organization, direction, control and administrative principles, which seek to take advantage of the resources of the organization. The present work aims to analyze some theoretical positions on the characterization of administration, planning and administrative thinking in the business context. It is concluded that Frederick Winslow Taylor, Henri_Fayol, George Elton Mayo, Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor are inscribed in the indisputable leaders of this school of administrative thought that has been of such transcendence in the study and practical operation in the thought and the Economic training for economic-social formation as the capitalist mode of production.

Author Biographies

Marilin Vanessa Albarrasin Reinoso, Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Extensión La Maná, Ecuador

Docente. Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Extensión La Maná, Ecuador

Mayra Elizeth Valencia Neto, Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador.

Docente. Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador.

Elsita Margoth Chávez García, Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador.

Docente. Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Ecuador.

Enry Gutember Medina López, Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Extensión La Maná, Ecuador

Docente. Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Extensión La Maná, Ecuador.


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Fayol, H. (1950). Administración Industrial y General, Sao Paulo, Atlas.

Human Resources Management 4th Edition/Wendell French-University of Washington, Houghton Mifflin Company ISBN: 0-39587132-8

Maslow, A.H. (1954). Motivation and Personality, New York, Harper and Row.

Maslow, A.H. (1962). Toward a Psychology of Being, Princeton, N. J., D. Van Nostrand.

Maslow, A.H. (1965). Eupsychidn Management, Homewood, Il1., Irwin, 1965.

Mayo, E. (1945). The Social Problems of an Industrial Civilization, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press,

McGregor, D. (1960). The Human Side of Enterprise, New York, McGraw-Hill.

McGregor, D. (1967). The Professional Manager, New York, McGraw-Hill.

McGregor, D. (1973). Motivaçao e Liderança, Sao Paulo, Brasiliense.

Robbins, S.P. (1998). Comportamiento Organizacional. México: Prentice Hall, Octava edición.

Van Haller, G.B. (1976).Tratado de Psicología Empresarial, Tomo I. España: Ediciones Martínez Roca S.A.



How to Cite

Albarrasin Reinoso, . M. V. ., Valencia Neto, M. E., Chávez García, E. M., & Medina López, E. G. (2017). ADMINISTRATIVE THOUGHT-ADMINISTRATION: A HISTORY TO DESCRIBE FROM A SOLID THOUGHT SCHOOL. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 8(4), 43–52. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

