
  • Salomón Alejandro Montecé Giler Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes. Extensión Santo Domingo


Constitution; principle of constitutional supremacy; constitutionality control; concentrated control; concrete control; abstract control.


To know the historical moments of the constitutional justice of Ecuador, is to come to unravel what facts justified its creation, and the sense of belonging that we have as Ecuadorians in being able to understand these processes of changes that has crossed Ecuadorian constitutionalism and in this way we will understand that respect They were given to human rights, that impartiality existed in the decisions of the organs of control of the power against the human rights and that we can contribute in the present moments in the country. Hence, the need to write and explain to Ecuadorian society about the great importance of knowing these historical facts that have marked a great line of how to get to limit the abuse of power against human rights, but the important thing is that the reader, once he/she understands these historical moments, questions whether the origin of control of power comes from a political body and whether his decisions will have a political decision or the acting of these power control bodies has acted impartially at the moment Has decided to decide on matters of national interest.

Author Biography

Salomón Alejandro Montecé Giler, Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes. Extensión Santo Domingo

Abogado de los Juzgados y Tribunales de la República del Ecuador. Magister en Ciencias Internacionales por la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Especialista en Derecho Constitucional, y Magíster en Derecho Constitucional por la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. Defensor Público en el Área Penal y Docente Titular de la Facultad de Derecho por la Universidad UNIANDES-Extensión Santo Domingo. Ecuador.


Constitución de la República del Ecuador. Vigente desde el 20 de octubre de 2008.

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Linares Quintana, S. (1963). Tratado de la Ciencia del Derecho Constitucional, año 1963. Pág. 9., Buenos Aires-Argentina, Editorial Alfa.

Montecé Giler, A. (2015). Evolución del Derecho Constitucional Ecuatoriano y Supremacía de los Tratados Internacionales de Derechos Humanos. Quito: Jurídica del Ecuador.

Oyarte Martinez, R. (2007). Tratado de Derecho Constitucional, tomo 1. Quito-Ecuador.

Sagües, Néstor P. (1998). Hábeas Corpus. 3ª Edición, Buenos Aires: Editorial Astrea.

Salgado Pesantes, H. (2001). Lecciones de Derecho Constitucional. pág. 29-32. Quito-Ecuador, publicado por ediciones legales.

Sánchez Viamonte, C. (2007). El Constitucionalismo. pág. 24 Buenos Aires Argentina, editorial Bibliográfica Argentina.



How to Cite

Montecé Giler, S. A. . (2017). SOCIAL IMPORTANCE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF CONSTITUTIONAL JUSTICE IN ECUADOR. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 8(1), 207–216. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

