
  • Ismary Veloz Pérez EICMA. Las Tunas.
  • William Cid Cruz Dirección Provincial de Justicia. Las Tunas.


Commercial names; Gastronomic Centers; Industrial Property; Market; Distinctive Signs.


Commercial names are considered so much for the doctrine, like for different legal systems like distinctive signs protected softly the proprietary standards industrial, his fundamental show, being distinctive of the company, establishment or activity that they identify, and find themselves within his same region, conferring them the right to take a serving and to exploit that name for the activities that they designate. The companies adopt like commercial name the one belonging to his owner, since is an immaterial good which he practices law on proprietary; Part comes from his patrimony and perfectly transferable, although he must fulfill the normative juridical designed for the Office Mundial of the Property Industrial for his application. This sign is indispensable for the insertion of companies in the competitive space of the Market, which can not work if potential customers are not in a position to identify the economic operators that take part in the market and produces or services that they offer, reasons that inspired the realization of this investigation to investigate on the situation of commercial names at the commerce entities of the territory from Las Tunas. She is repaired for two sections, in the first considerations become theoretic – doctrinal on the proprietary rights industrial, to distinctive signs and his protection, emphasized in the juridical regulation Cuban; The second best discusses commercial names at commerce entities and Gastronomy of the municipality of Las Tunas, he comes to an end with contribution of investigation, and a proposal of strategy will set up to apply at entities above-mentioned.

Author Biographies

Ismary Veloz Pérez , EICMA. Las Tunas.

Licenciada en Derecho. Jefa de Mercadotecnia en EICMA. Las Tunas. Cuba.

William Cid Cruz, Dirección Provincial de Justicia. Las Tunas.

Licenciado en Derecho, Especialista de la Consultoría Jurídica. Dirección Provincial de Justicia. Las Tunas. Cuba.


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How to Cite

Veloz Pérez , I. ., & Cid Cruz, W. (2015). COMMERCIAL NAMES AT COMMERCE ENTITIES AND GASTRONOMY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF LAS TUNAS. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 6(5), 143–162. Retrieved from