Organization - Management - Design-Organizational Structure - Administrative Management.Abstract
The organization has dabbled in many forms of human activity, because the mutual dependence of individuals and protection against threats, have fostered an intense organizational activity in humanity through time. From this premise, it becomes clear that the act of organizing will result in an organizational structure that can be considered as the framework that holds together the various functions in accordance with a scheme that suggests order and established relationships within the organization. Alberto Lovera University Village, as part of the system of higher education institutions in the state, requires consolidation of an organizational structure to carry out the improvement of its management. In view of the foregoing, the objective of this research is to design an organizational structure to improve efficiency in management. In accordance with the above, reference is one of the fundamental roles of the lead agency, is to create the organizational structure, and there is nothing more meaningful to the effective functioning of organizations that the design of its structure. The following study discusses the theoretical conclusions that can offer aimed at resolving the issues raised.
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