Comparative law study: the civil evidence in the Andean community


  • Wellington Manuel Jiménez Moreano Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador
  • Maribel Fernanda Lala Ontaneda Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador
  • Holger Geovannny García Segarra Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador


evidentiary system, evidence, andean community, Civil Law.


To satisfy this research, supported by a qualitative approach with scientific methods such as: logical, inductive, comparative and exegetical and bibliographic review, after comparing regional legislation, we seek to argue, which evidentiary legal institution(s) in civil matters of the countries that make up the Andean Community of Nations, to determine whether or not there exists any evidentiary legal institution in civil matters, within the Andean Community of Nations, that can be introduced and adapted to the Ecuadorian civil legislation and procedural system, with a view to perfect it. To do this, the Andean Community of Nations evidentiary systems, that can be implemented in Ecuadorian legislation will be argued, analysing the dogmatic content of the evidence as a legal institute within the civil process in the Andean community, from the oral and written systems, and critically reviewing the current civil procedural legislation on evidentiary matters in the Andean Community of Nations countries.

Author Biographies

Wellington Manuel Jiménez Moreano, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador

Doctor en Jurisprudencia y abogado litigante por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, maestrante 

Maribel Fernanda Lala Ontaneda, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador

Maestrante del programa de Maestría en Derecho Procesal de la Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Abogada y doctora por la Universidad Central del Ecuador maestrante

Holger Geovannny García Segarra, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador

Abogado de los Tribunales y Juzgados de la República del Ecuador Magister en Derecho Procesal, Coordinador de Posgrado en Programa de Maestría de Derecho Procesal


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How to Cite

Jiménez Moreano, W. M., Lala Ontaneda, M. F. ., & García Segarra, H. G. (2024). Comparative law study: the civil evidence in the Andean community. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 15(2), 406–426. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

