Importance of the programming languages and techniques discipline in the computer science education program


  • Alberto Betancourt Almaguer Centro Universitario Municipal Jobabo, Las Tunas
  • Yilian Peña Rodríguez Centro Universitario Municipal Jobabo, Las Tunas


programming, software, computer science, logical thinking


In Computer Science, if one had to choose a technical discipline as the most important and influential in this context (although all are important and interrelated), there is a high probability that most experts in the field would select programming, this statement can be argued with several elements. The purpose of this article is to support the importance of programming culture in the Computer Education career of the Jobabo Municipal University Center, arguing the leading role played by the Programming Languages and Techniques discipline in the training of these professionals. The research work is structured in two main sections, the first one, dedicated to the systematization of the theoretical foundations related to the subject, and the second one, to carry out a critical analysis of some aspects of the above mentioned discipline and of the professional's model, while offering a criterion on the practical experiences accumulated so far and proposing some technologies, which are believed to be the most adequate for the successful development of the culture of this great area of scientific-technical knowledge that is indispensable for the development of the New Technologies of Informatics and Communications. In the research process, empirical instruments have been designed and applied (observation guides to the teaching process, student surveys and interviews to specialists) in order to support the scientific character of this work from the facts, contrasting the theories and hypotheses that exist in this field.        

Author Biographies

Alberto Betancourt Almaguer, Centro Universitario Municipal Jobabo, Las Tunas

Ingeniero Industrial. Máster en Dirección. 

Yilian Peña Rodríguez, Centro Universitario Municipal Jobabo, Las Tunas

Ingeniera en Ciencias Informáticas.



How to Cite

Betancourt Almaguer, A., & Peña Rodríguez, Y. . (2023). Importance of the programming languages and techniques discipline in the computer science education program. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 14(6), 32–47. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

