Analysis of environmental problems in “Semilla” community: outlook and challenges


  • Saily Leo González Maestrante en Universidad de Pinar del Río
  • Imelda Beatriz Santos García Universidad de Pinar del Río
  • Diego Andrés Velázquez Barroso Universidad de Pinar del Río


community, environmental education, strategy, administration.


The environmental education gets paid today singular given interest the situation of planetary Emergency in that  the humanity lives, what has taken to take conscience about the importance of this process in the one  confrontation to the environmental crisis that he/she threatens the continuity in all the ways of life in  the Earth. The investigation outlines the scientific Problem: ¿How to improve the environmental problem  existent in the community “ Seed “ of the Popular Council Villa Ideal municipality Consolation of the South?   For the diagnosis of the problemáticaambiental and the current state of the process of administration of the   environmental education was used theoretical, empiric methods and statistical tools for the one   qualitative and quantitative analysis of the information. The present study has as objective to design   a strategy of education ambiental,que pays to improve the environmental problem in the   community " Seed " through three areas key deresultados that contribute to the execution of   the objectives and of actions to promote an innovative learning. The proposed strategy   it bases the process of administration of the community environmental education, through three areas of   fundamental key results that contribute to the execution of the foreseen objectives, from   the promotion lines, training and community participation, in a creative way, acting of   committed, conscious and critical way, to achieve the transformation of their environment, by means of the   execution of actions guided to the construction, reconstruction of the community, based on the   social justice, the gender justness and the social well-being, from the daily practice in their knowledge  to make. 

Author Biographies

Saily Leo González, Maestrante en Universidad de Pinar del Río

Máster en Gestión de la Educación Ambiental Comunitaria Licenciada en Educación en la especialidad de Español-Literatura

Imelda Beatriz Santos García, Universidad de Pinar del Río

Máster en Ciencias de la Educación, Licenciada en Educación en la especialidad de Historia

Diego Andrés Velázquez Barroso, Universidad de Pinar del Río

Máster en Ciencias de la Educación, Licenciada en Educación en la especialidad de Español -Literatura


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How to Cite

Leo González, S. ., Santos García, I. B. ., & Velázquez Barroso, D. A. . (2022). Analysis of environmental problems in “Semilla” community: outlook and challenges. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 13(5), 56–77. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

