Why talk about identity in the XXI century in Cuba? A look from History.


  • Adriel Peña Reyes Universidad de Las Tunas
  • José Guillermo Montero Quezada Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos de la Universidad de Las Tunas.


Rural Identity, Development of Education, Society, History.


Currently the issue of identity has been a source of interest for many researchers, who have taken giant steps in relation to the issue, which is why this work is primarily aimedat addressing a specific type of identity, we refer to Rural Identity, which, together with the Cultural and Political  Identity confirm the national Identity of our coutry. In this sense, and over the years, the people`s struggle for the consolidation of the revolutionary process has been promoted and directed, its advance towards a society where respect between the people and state prevails, as well as economic and social transformations, the development of education, healt, sports, culture and science as well as the confrontation of external aggressions and the conduction of an active foreign policy loaded hith solid principles, in short a more just society. But, could we achieve this, without first having achieved a solid identity in our people? That is why it is necessary to delve in to the subject.

Author Biography

José Guillermo Montero Quezada, Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos de la Universidad de Las Tunas.

Licenciado en Historia y Ciencias Sociales, Máster en Educación, Máster en Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario, Máster en Deportes de Combate, Doctor en Ciencias Históricas, Profesor Titular.


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2022-01-31 — Updated on 2022-02-09


How to Cite

Peña Reyes, A., & Montero Quezada, J. G. . (2022). Why talk about identity in the XXI century in Cuba? A look from History. Didáctica Y Educación ISSN 2224-2643, 13(1), 56–67. Retrieved from https://revistas.ult.edu.cu/index.php/didascalia/article/view/1256 (Original work published January 31, 2022)

Conference Proceedings Volume

